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My secret existence that's not so hush-hush anymore.

This is a collection of my thoughts, writings, musings,

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Eric Mabius in the buff and pulling on it

Male celebrity Eric Mabius most recently starring the American version of "Ugly Betty" shows some of his earlier acting talents and a bit of skin and butt in a scene from an earlier movies. Here Eric sunbathes totally nude on the nudist beach. Then he jerks off with passion outdoors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some of the blogs you have listed have popups and (probably) spyware.
Also, I don't usually recommend or link to commercial blogs.

Google is systemically going through the 'free' blogs on Blogger and remove (delete) those who violate its 'Terms of Service', but linking to a Adword or commercial-oriented site, it greatly increase my chances of being deleted sooner than later.
Hope you'll understand.
I think that was a kind way to respond to your request - just not a Yes.