A big thanks for all the kind comments from the couple of guys who've replied in group as well as you who wrote privately. Sorry I'm not responding to each individually. But I did read and appreciate each one.
----The above photo and message from Evan was forwarded in a group email message ----
From: Evanopolous -- evanopolous (at) gmail (dot) com -- on [PublicNakedGuys] Naked Dares

Here's responses to all:
- The police have stopped me twice. Once in Vancouver about 2005 when they told me to get dressed before they arrested me, though it was obvious they were just saying it because they thought it was their duty and not intending to actually do anything. I obliged but at the same time pointed out the technical reality of Canadian law:
a) I wasn't naked--I had a bandana tied around my ankle; and
b) a nudity conviction in Canada is like nailing Jell-O to the wall: how do you prove that any damage was caused or harm done or anyone/anything endangered? (a fundamental foundation in Canadian law?)
The best charge for nudity is "public disturbance" , but since nobody had complained . . .
The second time was in San Francisco about 2006, right on Castro Street, mid-afternoon. A lady at a the bus stop had a major bovine while I was posing in front of the Castro Theater and called the cops. I wasn't even aware of her fits until my photographer told me several minutes later. By the time they arrived I was dressed and down near Walgreens.

- Yes, finding a photographer is the biggest challenge to getting naked shots. It's shocking how many people love naked pics but when you ask them to take the shot they are "Oh golly gee, I couldn't do that!" as if you're asking them to get naked. I now collect names of guys willing to do naked photos and am starting to build my own private database ( www.NakedEvan. com/#photos ) so when I travel to various cities I can check to see if I have a contact there to work with.

- Yes, I've got video footage of me naked as well, though not near as much and most of it is indoors and more sexual (masturbation or dildos). Video is more difficult for a number of reasons: it's more work for a photographer so even more difficult to get one, it requires more than a quick undress-snap- dress so a lot of locations aren't realistically possible, and unfortunately at times when I'd be ready to do it I just don't have the video camera with me.
- More photos of me? They're already on a dozen different web sites and I share them semi-regularly in various egroups. However for the most consistent stream of them you're welcome to join my own egroup: http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/NakedEvan In my group you won't find very much of anything. This is because I use the egroup pretty much just to inform members when there are updates in my blog (where all the text, pics, and videos do get posted.)
I use my blog at www.NakedEvan. com because I have total flexibility over all aspects of it including no limitations on archives or how much space is being used, and never a worry that it could get deleted. The egroup is just a convenient way of guys being able to keep informed to check my blog. Or for those into it, my blog has RSS feed and comes complete with buttons so with one click you can add it to your Google, Yahoo, or MSN home page.
- I'm currently in Palm Springs. Spend my winters here. So no, can't hook up with you on vacation in Vancouver. Sorry, otherwise I'd love to. I always enjoy meeting up with guys for coffee.

- Thanks, I decline ALL requests to join any kind of social group or networking site. I'm already too involved in the Internet! So with all respect, please don't even send me an invitation for one as it's just an extra piece of junk mail for me to delete.
- Yes, I've done naked photo shoots with other exhibitionists. I'm always open to discussing that
- Evan

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