Vacation CMNM experiences
easy enough to accomplish at a nudist beach, locker room, or clothing optional resort, etc.
I find it increasingly important to me if I can develop some kind of interaction - social - not even sexual with the guys I am nude with. I realize that this probrably says a lot about the nature of my own reasons or motivation for seeking out CMNM situations. I should eventually delve into that - I suppose. For me it not simply whether or not the guy is showing any interest in seeing my nude body or me his. It's much more satisfying when the clothed person and I (or if I'm clothed and he's nude) are engaging in either doing something together or conversing about mutal interests while one of us is nude.
Here is just a quick glimpse at my summer episodes... (as much for my own recall as for your entertainment ):

a) I stayed several weeks on the Big Island (Hawaii) so I had a chance to camp, go to a clothing optional resort, and get nude on a couple of beaches
b) I stayed at a hostel (same one as before) and had a wonderful time getting to know my bunkmates and people from adjoining rooms. There were quite a few opportunities to be naked or be clothed with naked during that 5-day stay. One of the most fun things was 6 of us going skinnydipping at Waikiki Beach after midnight (2 women and one guy remained clothed, 3 guys got naked). I had spent the whole time just dying to see those other two hunks in the nude so it was really cool being accepted in the camaraderie of guys being guys and getting to skinnydip with them in the end.
c) I meet up the next week with oneof the guys who stayed in that same hostel dorm room (he didn't
go skinnydipping) but his bunk was just across from mine (both on the top) so I had an uninterrupted view of him sleeping and also he had the same of me - I sleep nude every night of course. I loved watching him put his hand down his pants and play with or 'straighten' his cock (supposedly while asleep).

I made sure he got a chance to see me with a woody too several times a night (and at sunrise) - although he never acknowledged noticing. Because we were both returning (from Honolulu) back to the the Big Island, we ended up going together to the Puna area of the Big Island the following week- so I introduced to the delights of the 'naked Aloha' life. It was his first trip to a nude beach and at first he was reluctant - although he's the one who suggested going - but finally he got up the courage to shed all his clothes and even allowed me to take some photos.
Later we camped out a Kalani so he got another chance to
d) I stayed in Manhattan at the West Side Y and had quite a few chances to be naked with strangers. Guests can use the pool, gym and locker rooms just like paid members. On my return trip thru NYC, I stayed at another hostel and also scouted out a few more where I might return on my next trip. I also spent several evenings at the West Side Club.

e) Some nudity at a couple public beaches lead to some sexual encounters -- I met a really nice Russian guy whom I mistook for straight until he keep coming up and trying to get peeks some parts of my anatomy. Eventually, I got more than just a peek at his.
f) One of the times I almost forgot about was really one of the coolest CNMN experiences I had for
a long while. I stayed over in Waikiki over 6 days (at the hostel I mentioned earlier). On Sundays, there is a catamaran cruise which is mainly reserved for gay and lesbians departing from Waikiki Beach at 1:00pm - you can get discounted tickets at Angles (gay bar on Kuhio)

and the 90-minute ride includes 4 drink tickets. It's advertised as clothing optional - although I'd never seen anybody go naked on this cruise before (it was the 2nd time to take the cruise since they have advertised it as 'nude cruise.' It seems that actually boat operator and captain aren't really kept informed (at least they plead ignorance). I asked my hostel roommates if they wanted to come along but the macho-man guy from the Netherlands was negative about it, saying he didn't want to go on any gay cruise - but - of course, it seemed he never missed an opportunity to get naked. I am sure all would have had a great time if they had gone. I certainly did.

Previously cruises were very tame, but this time I simply was not going to be denied the chance to get naked in public in front of so many people. As we were boarding, I asked some of the guys if they were going to get naked later on. Nobody seemed eager but there were any flat denials either. So .... when we got further out in the bay about 500 yards from shore, I asked the
I was the only one to get nude and there were a few women and also a group of 5 young Black doctors from Wash D.C. in town for a medical convention. I sat with a very big local guy but he didn't get naked but seemed to enjoy having me do so. The two young ship's mates on board took furtive looks but they were nonchalant about having a naked haole dude on board. Later on we got back closer to shore nearly the end of the cruise, I pulled on my trunks and then we asked about being able to stop for a swim so the captain agreed. It would have been great to have been naked - all of us jumping off of the boat and then remerging up the gangway between the two large rudder fins of the catamaran. It was a great cruise and being naked made it so much more fun.
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