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Home from Delaware (not yet?) Sunday 9:30 am Philly DST
Sunday, April 22, 2007 10:32pm
I misssssssssed you and you probably won't be home
until Sunday afternoon (or night) so I bet you'll be
tired (and hopefully NOT sick again).
How was the weekend? Great fun and good weather - I
I didn't do much this weekend - fiddled around the
house, I went into the city on Saturday and went
walking and took springtime photos with Bati (our dog)
this a.m.
Love you, dude.
Uncle Pervoid Dweeb.Daddy
Re: Home from Delaware (not yet?) Sunday 7:55 pm Philly DST Monday, April 23, 2007 8:55 am
BriFly MyCampOutBuddy CozyButtWarmerforCJ
EmoSk8erBuffHunkTwink WhoSmellsLikeSandalWood
It's 7:55pm Philly time.. I'm on Yahoo if you can
make it. I realize you've been away so you're probably
cuddling with Mom on the couch or spending time with
Andy in the weight room, or doing homework.
Just know I love you and want to hear how you are and
how the trip was. How was cj?
P.S. I've added some new sets to my Flickr (porn) -
pissing and uniforms (military and cops).
Hugs and kisses,
Re: Brian's sk8 buddy, Chaz - Hey Monday, April 23, 2007 11:47 am
Hello david, i just got email from brian saying, don't forgetttt. I totally meant to write you, but blew it big time. I'm writing now, does that count? I know I'm lame with email. I always say, ok I'm going to write next time i sign on, then I never think of it. Do you forgive me? B and I had an amazing weekend. Did he tell you about it? Biker babes and getting lost and howling in the woods. He found this little snake and picked it up and it totally attached to his finger. We looked it up, it was a baby milk snake. It was awesome. He kissed it on the head! I told him all he needed was for the snake to bite his lipe which is already fat from the fight. Did he tell you he might have to do that day in jail thing??? It's like this program for kids who get in trouble alot so they find out what jail is like. SUpposed to keep them from being gangstas! Can you see Brian in jail!! He's so not into going but I think he has to. Andy is fighting it for him and his mom doesn't want him to go. I htink it's funny. Brian is like the last guy I know to ever become a criminal. He's like the superhero LOL!
OK it's late. Hope you are having fun in Japan. What is new over there?
Re: philly Mon 6.00am Monday, April 23, 2007 7:20 pm
Kelly wrote: (via cellphone)
Sleepyhead.BriFlyButterBalls.Sk8erboi it was great talking to you about your weekend adventures. Have a good day at school. Get your wits and the strength of love on your side. I think the boy you fought last week is more than Will. Love you. David
Re: philly Mon 7.36am Monday, April 23, 2007 8:37 pm
Sorry - I was driving while typing that message. I was
afraid you'd go off to school before I could send you
an email - really it was just to say good morning.
Then I remembered that last week on Thursday it was
kind of bad day (well maybe not the doctor's exam..
lol) but missed two classes and having your mom have
to come to school was not so great.
What I meant to say was "I think the boy you fought
last week is more NEEDY than Will" - he has problems
that might be greater than anything Will might face -
such as nobody caring about him, maybe he has no
friends, and a father who treats him like shit, and
low self-esteeem. Remembering that might help keep you
from using your fists before your wits. Maybe he won't
be there anymore, but I think there's something that
you can learn from the experience if he does stay in
It might also be good for Will (and for you) to
talk to his counselor or special class teacher to see
how you might be help him learn to gain confidence and
get along on his own better. What I am saying is that
you really care about Will, try to find out if there's
a better way you might help him grow stronger -
without getting yourself in trouble for fighting. You
can take the initiative to speak to them or get their
advice (they may not be aware of what's been
Sorry but that's an outsider's two cents - I realize
it's easy to give free advice when I am not really
involved. So take it for what it's worth.. I'm not
trying to tell you what to do - but doing something
FOR Will instead of having to do something (like
fight) BECAUSE of him seems to be a wiser approach.
Hugs and kisses..
Uncle David
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Re: Brian's mail buddy, David - Hey Monday, April 23, 2007 9:15 pm
It's funny since he told me that he had said I was
really mad at you for not writing - that was a just
his way of pushing you - I never said I was mad at
you. I realized you have your own busy life but it's
nice when you do write.
Thanks for writing.. I can hear some things that Bri
forgets to tell me.
No, you are lame at email - some people are into
talking and not writing. Brian and I are alike in that
way, we like writing and talking - I write him almost
every day - sometimes just a short message - and he
usually writes back - sometimes longer letters. We
don't get to chat online much because of the time
difference and also because his Mom and Andy don't
allow him to. Is it the same at your house?
Yep, he told me about you two getting lost and finally
being picked up the chicks on Harleys.
He kept saying they were like coming on to you both..
right! Oh well, you both are certainly good-looking
guys so I don't blame them. And you had your shirts
off.. buff sk8er dewds.
He didn't mention the little snake - that would have
been cute if it had bit him LOL. I always loved
catching snakes, lizards and other animals - always
letting them go afterward - when I was a boy/teen
(even now). I've always loved seeing nature and
wildlife up close - hiking and camping.. - that's one
of the most exciting things about scuba diving too -
because there are little hundreds (or thousands) of
sea creatures that come into view.
Yes, I heard about his fight last Thursday when he was
protecting Will from the same guys as two months ago.
I was just writing him a message before he left for
school (Monday a.m. your time) about how he might say
out of trouble and take the initiative in helping Will
constructive - instead of destructively (getting
himself in trouble). He didn't mention that he might
have to do the day-in-jail thing - It won't be Brian
who goes to jail that's for sure - it will probably
be that other guy (the one he fought for tormenting /
hurting Will), so it won't be a bad thing to see how
people who become criminals get treated in jail. It
might get Brian to better understand what he needs to
do to try to 'help' that guy not just fight him - he
can't be there to just protect Will all his life - at
least he got to learn to not let that guy control /
manipulate his feelings (EMOtions) and to cause
himself to get in trouble through fighting.
Did Brian tell you anything about his doctor's
appointment and his full physical exam?
The other reason Brian might have wanted you to write
is because he told me the sexy things you were doing
up in the camper (upper bunk) while the adults were
asleep. Smile! It sure got my randy old goatdick
going, dude. You two are so fucking hot and horny. I
know he likes sucking and the 69 must be really good
for both of you. But it seems like he's hinting about
experimenting further and maybe wants to try something
more sexually. I don't know if you'd be into that -
but I bet Brina is, or maybe he'll find Tim to be more
willing to try other stuff.
I like writing but I understand if you don't or don't
have time.. but thanks a lot (even if you were just
feeling guilty). There is NO reason for feeling that..
just be your sexy self and stayas good as you always
are to each other - to Brian and your other friends.
Brian thinks the world of you - so that puts you very
high on my list of great guys too.
Uncle David
Re: philly Mon 8.36am - got mail from cj Monday, April 23, 2007 9:35pm
Guess what? CJ wrote - he said you reminded him
again. I told him he doesn't have be made to feel
guilty - I am not mad (you were just joking),
but I wandered if you had wanted me to hint to him
that you're kind of interested in experimenting with
differnt kinds of (male-male) sex.
I told me about your catching (and kissing) a little
baby snake that bit you.
He talked very briefly about the Day-At-Jail session
you might have to attend. You didn't mention it -
maybe because it's not important (or as I suspect) you
don't want to go. Hey, there might be something good
from seeing a jail. I used to work in a state
institution for juvenile delinguents - guys aged 13-17
who were truants, had got in trouble for fighting
(really hurting people) or theft / stealing. It was
not a jail but they had to stay there until they
'earned' their release (some 6 months to a year).
We both agreed that you would be the last person who
would ever be a convicted criminal - but then I had to
face the reality of it - even good people can get into
bad trouble - for no real fault of their own.
I also mentioned to CJ that I had heard how you two
really got into each other in the upper bunk of the
camper that night.
I doubt he'll write back unless his interest in the
topic of sex stimulates him a bit.
See you soon, I hope. Love and hugs.... sweet kisses
on your snake-bit finger and cj-licked cock!
Uncle D.
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Re: Brian's mail buddy, David - Hey Tues, April 24, 2007 8:17 am
chaz sk8boy wrote:
No I know he was kidding about you being mad. I'm at B's now. We're gonna sign onto yahoo see if your on. I'm hoping b isn't mad that i told you about his jail time! He just gets crazy when he sees will getting picked on. I think he has a thingggg for little Will!!! Will TOTALLY love brian too. OK I'll sign onto his messenger or have him sign on.
Laterz uncle david!LOL!!
Re: Brian's mail buddy, David - Hey CJ and Brian Tuesday, April 24, 2007 8:32am
Brian and CJ,
If you are online soon great.. but I have to leave
earlier today than usual (it's Tuesday morning 8:30am
here) so I won't be around later (Philly time).
Hugs to both of you,
Re: Brian's mail buddy, David - Hey CJ and Brian 8:18pm Philly time Tuesday April 24
CJ and BriFly
Sorry I missed you.. I was taking a shower and then
saw that you had logged on Y!M for a minute.
Wish we could have chatted - maybe again.
Love you both.. be good! Especially Brian (LOL).. Be
a lover not a fighter (Please! I don't want you to
keep getting in trouble for fighting).
Uncle David
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[ymna2] those Von Gloeden pics Tuesday, April 24, 2007 4:41 pm
moro5.jpg (49KB) | nudes11.jpg (67KB) | nudes16.jpg |
Re Leko's message and pics, I'm repeating the
text below and attaching a doctored version of
the photos. Von Gloeden's models varied in age
between about 13 and 20 - these are clearly
towards the younger end. I cannot say whether
possession of them would be illegal in the U.S.
but I believe it could be in the UK in certain
circumstances, e.g. the motive for possession
of the photos might be seen as sexual if someone
also has downloads of older youths engaging in
explicit sexual acts. It's certainly borderline.
And in any case, in the UK nude pics do not have
to display sexual arousal or sexual imagery to
be deemed illegal. A photographer recently had
an art gallery exhibition of her pics closed
down because they showed her daughter playing
naked on the beach. If prosecuted in the UK for
possession of nude pictures of minors (under 16s),
a guilty verdict usually leads to a jail sentence.
I don't want to go there, in more senses than one!
Leko's message went:
Nude photographs of individuals below the age of 18 are not illegal or
prohibited in the USA or at Yahoo.
*Sexual imagery*, that of *Prurient interest*, or considered to be
*Obscene*, which
employs underage models are illegal and prohibited.
A mother holding her nude son is acceptable. A thirteen year old who is
nude is OK also. It depends on the context of the photo.
Whether the photo of the 17 year old Radcliff is a fake or not is
in this context. There is no evidence of sexual arousal and there is
no indication of sexual activity. Copyright violations aside, it is not
"illegal" in it's portrayal.
A nude dude, is a nude dude, and nothing more. Even in the more uptight
repressive society of the USA, it is not against the law.
Let me attach a few photos of an acknowledged pioneer of fine art
Wilhelm Von Gloeden is considered a pioneer in the new art form of
photography, and he chose young males as his models. Without a doubt,
are under the age of 18, but the photos are not considered to be
by USA judicial standards.
Just my thoughts and opinions.
Mmm, those pics might be a test for Yahoo.
Not sure I want to risk the group being
deleted as a result. However I'm going to
respond to your message and attach a version
of the photos in a separate message.
On 4/23/07, David (a different member of the YMNA2 Yahoo group) wrote:
> A question came up last night and here it is. Not sure how this works
> but when posting pics,
> we understand that (in the US atleast) all pics where the model is nude
> (whether sexual or
> not) the age of any model must be 18 or above (at the time of the photo)
> and verification of
> this must be on hand. Is this true? And if it is, would it then be illegal
> to post full nude pics of
> Daniel Radcliff or even Andrew Simpson (Notes of a Scandal) since they
> were both 17 at the
> time any photo or vid clip of them was made? I think outside the US the
> age is younger.
> Thanks for the clarification.
> We could get caught up in a complex, long-running
> discussion here if we're not careful and we wouldn't
> want to bore ymna2 members! It may be enough to say
> that neither your British moderator nor your Australian
> co-moderator is an expert on American law but we are
> aware that Yahoo's rules do not permit nude pictures
> of under 18s (though some would argue even with that).
> I don't think Yahoo requires group owners to have
> verification that all pics are of over 18s - if it
> does, our pics of 'real people' mean we'd be breaking
> the rules every day. It could become similar to the
> situation frequently reported by foreign tourists to
> the U.S. (me included), that they are denied alcoholic
> drinks in bars/restaurants because they are not carrying
> the i.d. to prove they are 18 or 21 or whatever, even if
> they are clearly many years older. We do what we can.
> Yes, in most of Europe pics of naked 16 year-olds
> are permissable. That full-frontal pic of 17 year-old
> Daniel Radcliffe is almost certainly a fake. I haven't
> heard of Andrew Simpson and, looking him up, I don't
> believe pics of him have appeared on ymna2.
> atitlan
Re: Brian's mail buddy, David - Hey CJ and Brian Tuesday, April 25, 2007 9:28pm
Did you mean really 'cumming' like ejaculating or
just coming (signing in) online? LOL.. no telling
with CJ around,heh!
Sorry I missed you and CJ - I saw that he had logged
on and gave me a yell, but I had already gone to take
a shower. Damn it! I wanted to talk to him and you ..
I guess because he's so close to you (and he loves you
too) and you love him and respect him (and you to
sweet sexy things to him - like sex but also teasing
him and hanging out as sk8er buds.. I wish I had a
friend like that. ) I feel sort of the same way about
him - an imitation of your feelings .. your LOVE is
contagious. Remember that!
How was school? Did you see Timboi?
BTW, when does you school get out .. I am not coming
to the US until August so I'm afraid I might not get
to see you even then.. when does you school start
again? Beginning, middle or end of August - each
school system has different start dates but it seems
to get earlier every year.
I know you don't want to be REMINDED ofthe NEXT
school year - this school year has not even finished
yet. Sorry.
If you are going to be in school by August 15 then it
won't be much use planning for me to stay very long
in Philly or even stop by at all this summer. I am
about to finalize my flights so I just wanted to know
what might you might be doing.
Any word about your going to or your dad coming from
P.S. Next week is Golden Week so I don't have school
for week.. yeah! Hope we can chat sometime soon or if
not then...
Love you and deep kisses and hard hugs all over your
CJ gets only a peck on the cheek (the left butt cheek.
HeHe! chaz teasing ya'! kiddo).
Uncle D.
Re: Brian's mail buddy, David - Hey CJ and Brian 8:18pm Philly time April 26, 2007 6:28am
HAHA! Brian is here right now and we're gonna go skate cuz it's fucking sweeetttt outside. He's so wound up today. The boi got in trouble for throwing something at Tim in social studies. He's gonna end up in jail yet!!!! But he didnt' get into a fight. He's just like bouncing off the walls. Yeah we should have chatted. I'm gonna kill him cuz he keeps calling me Charles I HATE THAT! I hate my name and will always be CJ or chaz. DonT YOU forget it, uncle D! IT is too nice to hang in here. Brian said hi...wait, i'm gonna let him write you now. BUT on my sign on. DON'T GET CONFUSED OK? I'm keeping an eye on B don't worry. I got his back! Yesssss I do.
LOL OK so i'ts Brian now. Remember me? ummmmm so we're gonna go out and skate cuz its beeeeeeeeeuuutiful out there. PERFECTION in philly weather. warm but not sweating weather. I love skating without a tshirt!!!! heading to the landing, wish we could talk to u buuuut, we need to get out and sk8. LOL Brandon just got here. Heheheee he's like briannnnnnn get off the fucking computer and let's get out there! Miss you byebye D!!!
Kelly U wrote:
CJ and BriFly
Sorry I missed you.. I was taking a shower and then
saw that you had logged on Y!M for a minute.
Wish we could have chatted - maybe again.
Love you both.. be good! Especially Brian (LOL).. Be
a lover not a fighter (Please! I don't want you to
keep getting in trouble for fighting).
Uncle David
--- Kelly Ueno-Lewis wrote:
> Brian and CJ,
> If you are online soon great.. but I have to leave
> earlier today than usual (it's Tuesday morning
> 8:30am
> here) so I won't be around later (Philly time).
> Hugs to both of you,
> Love,
> David
> --- chaz sk8boy wrote:
> > No I know he was kidding about you being mad. I'm
> > at B's now. We're gonna sign onto yahoo see if
> your
> > on. He just gets crazy when he sees will
> > getting picked on. I think he has a thingggg for
> > little Will!!! Will TOTALLY love brian too. OK
> > I'll sign onto his messenger or have him sign on.
> >
> > Laterz uncle david!LOL!
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Hey CJ and Brian Tues 7:05pm Philly time April 25, 2007 9:31am
Bboi and CJ
Hope you two had a great sk8 in the warm weather.
It's cool here and not like spring yet; it has been
raining here for two days - actually like that quite a
bit since I got back. It's supposed to clear up by the
weekend. So I hope to go camping (nude of course for
part of it) this coming week. Wish you were here!
I am online for a while (Tues night) if you get back
and have 'free' time. What's this about Brian getting
in trouble for throwing something at/to Tim in social
studies? Is CJ just teasing or was it for real?
I've heard from my builder and work on the cottage
(small house) is coming along on the Big Island.
Here is picture of another cottage like it that he
built last year. It's small but it is plenty big
enough for 4 or so (with one bedroom and one bath),
plus a covered front porch (two could also sleep
there) and there will be a sofa-bed in the spacious
living room. It has also got 1 acre of land around it
so it's not as crowded on the last as the one in the
picture is.
So I'm looking forward to hosting you both with or
without your mom and Andy at the house. You can stay
there - even if I am not. Rack your brains and try
to figure out how I can meet you (and your family)
without being considered to be an outlaw or criminal
or weirdo pervert or online predator. Then I can
invite them to stay at my Hawaii cottage.
So ...like you might convince your mom to go and
take (or teach) a yoga workshop at Kalani (see
http://www.kalani.com or maybe I could be one of
Tim's distant relatives or his teacher from his old
high school or junior high. Where did Tim used to live
before he came to your high school? I could be Tim's
middle school 8th grade English teacher who moved to
Japan to teach English and who just happens to have a
small house in Hawaii. That's sounds believable, huh?
Ya' think? Would Tim's mom rip that story up if she
talks with your mom?
If you two are 18 then you can (might) travel on
your own to Hawaii.. so I'll be happy to let you stay
(if it's not rented). I am planning on renting it
later on.
Take care and be good .. my heart is so full - not
breaking but kind of heavy with longing and nostalgic
memories - with watching you two grow up, hearing
your exuberance, and playful innocence and your sexy
antics and passionate love-making, and wanting you to
be the best, smartest, and happiest guys in the world.
Thanks for giving a window into your world - you rock
mine! Love you both.
Hugs and sweet kisses,
Uncle David
--- chaz sk8boy wrote:
> HAHA! Brian is here right now and we're gonna go
> skate cuz it's fucking sweeetttt outside. He's so
> wound up today. The boi got in trouble for throwing
> something at Tim in social studies. He's gonna end
> up in jail yet!!!! But he didnt' get into a fight.
> He's just like bouncing off the walls. Yeah we
> should have chatted. I'm gonna kill him cuz he
> keeps calling me Charles I HATE THAT! I hate my
> name and will always be CJ or chaz. DonT YOU forget
> it, uncle D! IT is too nice to hang in here. Brian
> said hi...wait, i'm gonna let him write you now.
> BUT on my sign on. DON'T GET CONFUSED OK? I'm
> keeping an eye on B don't worry. I got his back!
> Yesssss I do.
> chaz/cj/cboi
> ---------------
> LOL OK so i'ts Brian now. Remember me? ummmmm so
> we're gonna go out and skate cuz its
> beeeeeeeeeuuutiful out there. PERFECTION in philly
> weather. warm but not sweating weather. I love
> skating without a tshirt!!!! heading to the
> landing, wish we could talk to u buuuut, we need to
> get out and sk8. LOL Brandon just got here.
> Heheheee he's like briannnnnnn get off the fucking
> computer and let's get out there! Miss you byebye
> D!!!
> Hugkissssslick,
> bsk8fuck
> Kelly wrote:
CJ and BriFly
> Sorry I missed you.. I was taking a shower and
> then
> saw that you had logged on Y!M for a minute.
> Wish we could have chatted - maybe again.
> Love you both.. be good! Especially Brian (LOL)..
> Be
> a lover not a fighter (Please! I don't want you to
> keep getting in trouble for fighting).
> Bye
> Uncle David
> --- Kelly Ueno-Lewis wrote:
> > Brian and CJ,
> > If you are online soon great.. but I have to
> leave
> > earlier today than usual (it's Tuesday morning
> > 8:30am
> > here) so I won't be around later (Philly time).
> >
> > Hugs to both of you,
> > Love,
> > David
> >
> > --- chaz sk8boy wrote:
> >
> > > No I know he was kidding about you being mad.
> I'm
> > > at B's now. We're gonna sign onto yahoo see if
> > your
> > > on. He just gets crazy when he sees will
> > > getting picked on. I think he has a thingggg for
> > > little Will!!! Will TOTALLY love brian too. OK
> > > I'll sign onto his messenger or have him sign
> on.
> > >
> > > Laterz uncle david!LOL!!
Love you two - great to talk Wed night (Philly time) Thur, April 26, 2007 11:01am
Bboi and CJ,
It was great talking to you.. thanks for chatting me
awake this morning - I had actually gotten up once but
decided to lay in bed for a little longer.
Brian, hope you're not mad at me for teasing about the
make-up.. - I'm NOT against the eyeliner but it just
is not a part of my own image of what you look like.
I admit.. that image isn't completely real or
accurate - it's only imaginary/virtual - I'm sorry but
that's the only one I have. That's one of the problems
of being web-only friends... we just get a
two-dimensional view - if even that.
I would be so cool to take you two up to Cape Cod for
camping (at P-town) or eslewhere on Cape Cod, but
probably you'll have school and your parents wouldn't
let you go either.
Still I can fantasize.. can't I?
Be great..be good.. go sk8.. hoping for nice weather
for u in Philly this weekend.. it's looking good so
far here.
And I have all next week off...Yeah!
hugs and kisses,
Uncle D.
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Good morning Friday 6:12am Philly Friday, April 27, 2007 7:14pm
Good morning, Brian
I guess you won't be going camping. CJ mentioned the
other day while chatting that his dad had wanted to go
camping again this weekend, but that he will probably
be too busy. So I hope you get to have a fun and warm
weekend in Philly if you don't go.
Did you go to yoga with Mom last night?
Missed talking to you. It's good to continue
developing your yoga - got to get you to guest teacher
at Kalani some day! You be so far advanced that you
won't even teach beginners - so I'll be out of luck.
Shucks - better start now.
Keeping this message short - you're rushing to get to
Love you... Hugs and kisses,
Re: Hey, Friday 8:27pm Philly Saturday, April 28, 2007 9:29am
Must have been a good day! You're out sk8ing or eating
with family or doing stuff with Tim or CJ.
I'm on if you get back and can talk..
Love you.. hugs and kisses.
Maybe you guys did go camping after all.. missed you
and have fun whatever you do! Love you,
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Re: Sunday 7:40 pm Philly DST April 30, 2007
Kelly wrote: Bboi, Missed you. We are visiting my wife's mother since Monday is a holiday ( in Jpn ). How was your weekend ? -- another set of adventures , no doubt. lol! Tell cj hi and hope to talk to you soon. Love, D.
Brian wrote:
yep, ended up camping. had a greeeeeat time the weather was PERFECTTTTT. took skateboards like always but spent alot of time skating with some other guys who were cool but totally into drugs. hung out with them at nite. they were pretty hot too! hiked today then came home. it's sooooooooooo amazingout side.!!! sad the weekend is over. hope your doing fine!
Kelly wrote: you're probably trying to get caught up with your family and school work but you can talk give my Jpn cell a buzz - make it vibrate LOL!,,, BTW did you find out when school begins after summer? Kissesssssssslickkkkockcocksssssucksssssexxxxxx
Perving D.
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