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My secret existence that's not so hush-hush anymore.

This is a collection of my thoughts, writings, musings,

and a place to collect my various blog projects into one place. (SEE the list of my other blogs on right side-bar).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How's summer? Great!


You really had me worried there for a while.
I feared that maybe you HAD been kidnapped or had been
injured in a skating (or camping) accident. LOL

Sounds silly, but actually my greatest fear was that
you were determined to punish me for something I had
said. Glad to hear it was only because you a summer
slacker and typical 16-year-old (LOL - I'm being
facetious -- of course.)

No vacation - no rest for the wicked (that's me).

I have school (teaching classes) and then final exams,
etc. So I'll be working until July 27 -that's when I
go to Hawaii and then Kentucky.

Sorry to disappoint you (that's a joke - hopefully
not a cruel one) but I'm not flying near Philly this
summer. I have to be back in Tokyo on August 30 so
I'll fly back to Hawaii on Aug 23 from Kentucky (my
folks). My little house is supposed to be finished by

Did you answer this because you got my FlickrMail

I hadn't talked to you in so long that I had even lost
some of the details (like cj's initials - I could
only remember him as Chaz - and you don't usually call
him that).

Glad you are having a great summer. I've missed you -
of course - but it was good that we (I) got back to
being more 'normal' acquaintances. Someday, when you
are older (like 10 years from now) we can talk about
the old days of 2007 (LOL).

Hey, Bati is wanting to go out to pooh - his morning
walk. So I'll go in a minute.

I won't be writing daily or anything like before
because you just won't answer (I KNOW and I think
that's wonderful that you DON'T want or need to stay
indoors or on the computer). When it gets cold again
in Philly, then we may have more times to write each
other more often.

No, we have the same seasons that you do in Philly.
It's pretty warm here but not scalding here - that's
because we have a rainy (monsoon) season in June-July.
It's not been very rainy - in fact - but that's ok
because we had a lot of rain in the spring. But it's
not been extremely hot - that comes later - Tokyo can
get into the 90s (even up to 95-98 or so) and also
have humidity over that percentage.

So it's sweltering humid heat mainly in August that
goes on for a long time (sometimes) well into
September. It's one reason I love travelling abroad
during Tokyo's summer - to get out of the 'bad'
(hellish) heat and into the good kind (Hawaiian

You know you didn't have to delete your Flickr photos
--- you could have just made them all private (closed
even to friends and family). I've recently moved all
my Yahoo Photos (9000 porn and amateur nudes) over to
Flickr (those are still private but I also have 7000
pics (mostly porn or amateur nudes) that friends and
family can see). You are still my 'family' on Flickr
(Matt - bobukky seems to have disappeared - since I
have not heard from him in a long time).
Since I wasn't talking to you every day, I had to
have something to do (HaHa)... Flickring around has
become my 'new' hobby - not that it's a very admirable

I'm so glad to hear that you're happy, healthy, and
having a great time with Tim, cj, and all. So.. no
signs of a new baby brother/sister from Andy and Mom,

I sent you the last note to look at my Flickr pic of
what I think is my own father (in the Navy at age 19).
Did you see it and my description? No, it's NOT
porn - silly boi!!!

Bati's banging at the door... got to go.

Hugs and glad you back...(don't be a stranger)...


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