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My secret existence that's not so hush-hush anymore.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How's summer?

 Monday, July 9, 2007 8:20:18 AM
Subject: Re: How's summer?

omg I'm sorry! I meant to write back, don't put too much into it i mean i wanted to you.  I TOTALLY even flagged your note so i would remember but i am not on the cmputer that much cuz i'm never home. on vacation with cj and just hanging out wiht Tim and chaz and the rest of the boiz.  having an awesome summer mostly. so i'm totally sorry ok???? i didnt mean to worry you or upset you or make you feel ike i was dissing you somehow.  and don't worry andy and mom are not into my computer I just am never home. nope not working, mom wanted me to have one more summer without a job. i miss chatting with you but like I said i'm never on. and yeah i deleted most of my pics from flickr cuz i was getting fucked up guys after me and i was getting sick of it. it was messed up. so i got rid of them except for one. and i dont know why i keep that one.

what's up with yoU/ how is your summer going? is it summer there? or are your seasons opposite? nope didnt hear from my dad. my mom tried to get in touch with him but he's not at that address anymore. fuck. ok i don't wanna talk about it anymore. i was just running with cj and i'm sooooooo sweaty lol i gotta shower. its dripping in my eyes. and it's like 98 degrees here. BLEHHH! so, D sorrrryyyyyy about being such a summer slacker. its how I am, just not into sitting near a computer. sorry though OK? forgive me?


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