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My secret existence that's not so hush-hush anymore.

This is a collection of my thoughts, writings, musings,

and a place to collect my various blog projects into one place. (SEE the list of my other blogs on right side-bar).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sunday 2:30 am philly time

Monday, May 21, 2007 3:22:27 PM

Subject: Sunday 2:30 am philly time

I wrote a long letter back - but decided not to send
it. You won't have time to read it carefully before
school today. So I re-thought about what I needed to
say and what I've been doing to you (and myself).

I understand why you are angry.

You did NOTHING bad or wrong.. and I'm sorry to make
you feel so. But I am not in charge or control of your
feelings. I should be in control of my own - however.
I DO NOT want to make you feel bad or to be sad any
more. So I'll just stop talking - because I don't
think I could be different.

Listen.. I am NOT just saying this to somehow punish

You're right. I am TOO intense about you so it's best
we don't talk online or even write for a while. I hope
you can understand and forgive me.


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