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My secret existence that's not so hush-hush anymore.

This is a collection of my thoughts, writings, musings,

and a place to collect my various blog projects into one place. (SEE the list of my other blogs on right side-bar).

Thursday, August 14, 2008

CMNM Discusion Forum is still ALIVE!

Sorry to have alerted you falsely. The CMNM forum is still alive and thriving (barely - pun intended).

Come visit the forum and add your thoughts and experiences:
CMNM discussion forum:

Well.. I was alarmed. When the free webhost company that sent me the notice of intended (possible) account deletion (for technical drains on their servers by my slow (intensive) MySQL queries (technical jargon), it was a big blow.

Now that company has written back (after I complained by email) that they would never delete a 'free' account for that kind of technical reason. (Ohh.. I bet not)..

We are OK and still up and runnning....
So ... it means we can still use this board....(at least for now) Whew!

I'm on a dialup system (56 k) modem ----way out in the countryside... so I can't access this site but once a day (if at all).

It'll be that way for another week or so....

Cheers and hope you all are enjoying life and being naked (or around naked guys) this summer..


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